Friday, April 07, 2006


We are now on vacation...which is very nice! Lauren has been sick the past 3 weeks which has not been very fun for her. She is starting to get better, so hopefully she'll fully recover soon! We are down here in the "Real OC" (Orange County, CA) for a week and then off to Yosemite for a few days. It is nice to sleep and see my wife! With our crazy schedules and sicknesses, we have not had a lot of time together lately.

Lauren is currently shopping right now and I am typing up a 17 page paper that is due on email. I am trying to get it out of the way with so I can enjoy some fun in the sun down here. We have a few fun things planned, but besides that...just hanging out and relaxing. There will be lots of pictures to post once we come back home....

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