We had a relaxing vacation at the end of June down in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where we were at a resort for 7 days. We had some fun adventures including swimming with dolphins for the first time (amazing) and a canpoy tour with Los Veranos where we were gliding through the Mexican jungle at heights of 500 feet!

After Mexico, we came back for a few days before heading down to Orange County, CA to spend some time with Lauren's family for the 4th of July. We had a lot of fun down there as well hanging out by the pool and just relaxing. We went up to Hollywood one night and saw a boradway play called
Wicked. It was my first ever musical and I was impressed! That was truly amazing.
We also went down to San Diego one day to visit Lauren's brother who is interning at a law firm there for the summer hoping to get a job offer before he starts his final year of law school at Columbia University.
Since we've been back in town, we have been going to SF Giants games, hanging out by the pool, and volunteer coaching a middle school bball team for our church. A few more weeks of vacation and then it's back to the grind.