The beach was absolutely amazing down there and it was so clear. We stayed at one of our favorite hotels as well, Embassy Suites. It was kind of random to run into those dear, but it was cool. I also got to go see the Monarch Butterfly place where there are thousands of them migrating.
Friday night we headed up to San Jose to a retreat that our church was having for the ministry that we are a part of, the Professionals Ministry. Basically, it is a ministry that combines single working professionals and young marrieds with no kids. We stayed at a fantastic spot called The Hayes Mansion. Here is a picture of the spot below.

It was a great time where we got to hear a lot of lessons on "Changing the World" by changing ourselves first. A lot of our friends were there as well which was fun.
On Saturday after the retreat, we went over to my parents house to celebrate Aubrey, Marilyn, and Lauren's birthdays! That was a lot of fun as well. All three of them have birthdays in November, so to make it easier, we celebrated them all on one day. Joshua brought his new girlfriend (which I think he was thoroughly embarrassed by)to the partyt and she got to see our family all together for the first time. Here are some pictures from our time at the birthday party.

Joshua and his new girlfriend Erlinda (sp? above

A Picture of everyone chillin on the couch...