So for those few and and far between that actually check this website, we are both done with our first years! Lauren just completed her first year of Residency at Oakland Children's Hospital and I just completed my first year of gradaute school at California State University, East Bay. It has been a busy year for both of us, but we have enjoyed it for the most part.
I am done with school for the summer and working full-time at Lindamoodbell Learning Processes teaching kids and adults mostly with dyslexia and hyperlexia. We have a few fun trips planned for the summer which should be great. The first is in July; we are going to Oklahoma for my grandparents 65th wedding anniversary. It will be Lauren's first time out there so that should be interesting.... We are also planning on going whitewater rafting sometime early August with friends from our church which should be a blast. And at the end of the summer we are planning to go back to Maui for "2nd honeymoon." Hopefully Lauren will not get sick this vacation and we will be able to go! (She has been sick every vacation this year) That's about all that's new, and I plan to post more in the next few months as I have more time now!